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Items - Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Transformer, 3 Phase, Up to and including 200 KVA,Distribution Tra
Items - Custom Bid for Services - JG24FST280 Annual Rate Contract for Printing and Supply of safety boards at Gujarat Refinery
Items - Flange Spreader
Items - PPE Vials Kit as per attached specifications
Items - night vision device - night vision equipment
Items - Artifical Intelligence (AI) based Video Analytics Software
Items - Graphics Card
Items - Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
Items - Grain Processing Service - Milling, Fortification; Paddy
Items - Grain Processing Service - Milling, Fortification; Paddy
Items - Grain Processing Service - Fortification, Milling; Paddy
Items - Grain Processing Service - Fortification, Milling; Paddy
Items - Grain Processing Service - Milling, Fortification; Paddy
Items - Grain Processing Service - Milling, Fortification; Paddy
Items - Grain Processing Service - Milling, Fortification; Paddy
Items - Grain Processing Service - Milling, Fortification; Paddy
Items - Grain Processing Service - Milling, Fortification; Paddy
Items - Grain Processing Service - Milling, Fortification; Paddy
Items - VMC Machine (V1)
Items - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Not Required; Others