Items - Hiring of Sanitation Service - Sanitary Attendant; 6; Indoor Area; Common Area, Staircase, Pantry/ Cafeteria, Basement/Parking Lots/Service Areas, Restrooms; Daily; 2,Hiring of Sanitation Service - Sweeper; 6; Indoor Area; Common Area, Staircase, Pantry/ Cafeteria, Basement/Parking Lots/Service Areas, Restrooms; Daily; 2
Items - Split Air Conditioner Including Green AC, Wall Mount Type (V2)
Items - Split Air Conditioner Including Green AC, Wall Mount Type (V2),Split Air Conditioner Including Green AC, Wall Mount Type (V2)
Items - Construction of Gym in prefab shelter
Items - Braille Refreshable Display
Items - UHF Hand Held Digital Radios with Antenna,Battery with Belt Clip at the rate of 3 for each Hand Held Set,Leather Case with Shoulder Strip,Single Unit rapid battery charger,Hand-free Kit ear receiver with PTT and complete accessory,Multi Unit Six way Rapid Battery Charger,Programming kit for Hand Held Radios- Radio Programming software, hardware interface Unit and cables for programming of radios from PC,Technical repairing and mainenance manual with complete block diagram, circuit layout, PCB layout, component and wiring Diagram etc should be provided in soft as well as hard copy,Any related Hardware Software required in the existing system for completion of job,UHF Static Mobile Digital Radios,Keypad Microphone,L.T. Lead,Mounting Bracket,6 dB gain static antenna,30 Meter RF Cable 0.5 inch Helix with matching patch cord,AC DC SMPS compact power supply 12 V, 15 Amp with Battery connect option,Programming kit for Static Radios- Radios Programming Software, Hardware Interface Unit and cables for programming of r
Items - Biomedical Waste Management Service - Collection, Lifting, Transportation; Medical colleges & institutions
Items - Digital programmable hearing aid BTE (Mild, Moderate, Severe hearing loss),Digital programmable hearing aid BTE (Mild, Moderate, Severe hearing loss),Digital programmable hearing aid BTE (Mild, Moderate, Severe hearing loss),Digital programmable hearing aid BTE (Profound hearing loss),Digital programmable hearing aid BTE (Profound hearing loss),Digital programmable hearing aid BTE (Profound hearing loss),Digital programmable hearing aid RIC (Mild, Moderate, Severe hearing loss),Digital programmable hearing aid RIC (Mild, Moderate, Severe hearing loss),Digital programmable hearing aid RIC (Mild, Moderate, Severe hearing loss)
Items - Ferroin indicator solution
Items - Mercuric Sulphate
Items - Potassium Dichromate
Items - Storagenodeserver,Monitorandmgmt,Computernode,Datacenternetwork,Networkfurewall
Items - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; 12th; Admin,Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Not Required; Admin
Items - Ductile Iron Pipe - DI as per IS 8329,Ductile Iron Pipe - DI as per IS 8329,Ductile Iron Pipe - DI as per IS 8329,Ductile Iron Pipe - DI as per IS 8329
Items - Protein Prestained ladder,Terminal deoxynucleotide transferase,Biotin 11 UTP solution,Plasmid Midi kit,Streptavidin HRP Conjugate,25cm rectangular canted neck cell culture flask,75 cm U shaped cell culutre flask,1000mL vacuum storage bottle system,500mL vacuum stoage bottle system,10mL serological pipettes,5mL serological pipettes,6 well TC treated plate,12 well TC treated plate
Items - Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) - Public Permissionless; Heterogenous; Identity and Credentials Management, Skill/Certificatemanagement, As per RFP; Yes; Buyer infra (cloud), Service Provider (cloud), As per RFP; Ethereum, Quorum, Polygon, As per RFP;..
Items - Custom Bid for Services - Provision of manpower for OBHS in Vande Bharat Rakes Rates inclusive of GST,Custom Bid for Services - Provision of consumable material for OBHS during passenger services in Vande Bharat Rakes Rates inclusive of GST,Custom Bid for Services - Provision for cleaning of coach interior during Primary cleaning and watering of Vande Bharat Rakes including manpower and materials Rates inclusive of GST,Custom Bid for Services - Provision for cleaning of coach exterior during Primary cleaning and watering of Vande Bharat Rakes including manpower and materials Rates inclusive of GST,Custom Bid for Services - Provision for cleaning of coach interior during depot examination intensive cleaning and watering of Vande Bharat Express including manpower and materials Rates inclusive of GST,Custom Bid for Services - Provision for cleaning of coach exterior during depot examination intensive cleaning and watering of Vande Bharat Express including manpower and materials Rates inclusive of GST,Custom Bid
Items - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Secondary School; Admin,Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; High School; Others
Items - Submersible Sewerage Pump,Submersible Sewerage Pump