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Items - Hiring of Social Media Agency - Content creation, Content response and content moderation, Campaign Management, Response management/Helpdesk support, Basic reporting and analytics, movie creation etc; Hindi, English; Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Inst..
Items - 5330-385568,5330-385568,5330-385568,5330-385568,5330-385568,5330-385568,5330-385568,5330-385568,5330-385568,5330-385568,5330-385568,2636-1540-0001,2636-1540-0001,2636-1540-0001,2636-1540-0001,2636-1540-0001,2636-1540-0001,2636-1540-0001,2636-1540-0001,2636-1540-0001,2636-1540-0001,2636-1540-0001,2067-2910-0120,2067-2910-0120,2067-2910-0120,2067-2910-0120,2067-2910-0120,2067-2910-0120,2067-2910-0120,2067-2910-0120,2067-2910-0120,2067-2910-0120,2067-2910-0120,6220-004446,6220-004446,6220-004446,6220-004446,6220-004446,6220-004446,6220-004446,6220-004446,6220-004446,6220-004446,6220-004446,2576-5440-0136,2576-5440-0136,2576-5440-0136,2576-5440-0136,2576-5440-0136,2576-5440-0136,2576-5440-0136,2576-5440-0136,2576-5440-0136,2576-5440-0136,2576-5440-0136,2576-8240-0101,2576-8240-0101,2576-8240-0101,2576-8240-0101,2576-8240-0101,2576-8240-0101,2576-8240-0101,2576-8240-0101,2576-8240-0101,2576-8240-0101,2576-8240-0101,2576-4373-0134,2576-4373-0134,2576-4373-0134,2576-4373-0134,2576-4373-0134,2576-4373-0134,2576-4373-
Items - BB Splint,Thomas Splint,Bohlers Frame,Balkan Frame,Weight in 0.5 kg increment Till 5 kg,Pulley,Graduated Bed elevators,Basin for plaster application,Gardenwells,Krammer Wire Splint 4 inch and 6 inch,Blocks for Limb Length Discrepancy
Items - Catheter Stabliazing Device,Catheter Stabliazing Device,Catheter Stabliazing Device,Catheter Stabliazing Device,Dial a flow 20 to 250 ml per hour range fitted below drip chamber and above roller clamp Sterile packing,Dial a flow 20 to 250 ml per hour range fitted below drip chamber and above roller clamp Sterile packing,Dial a flow 20 to 250 ml per hour range fitted below drip chamber and above roller clamp Sterile packing,Dial a flow 20 to 250 ml per hour range fitted below drip chamber and above roller clamp Sterile packing,Dural substitute,Dural substitute,Dural substitute,Dural substitute,11 size Pen Blade,11 size Pen Blade,11 size Pen Blade,11 size Pen Blade,15 size Pen Blade,15 size Pen Blade,15 size Pen Blade,15 size Pen Blade,23 size Pen Blade,23 size Pen Blade,23 size Pen Blade,23 size Pen Blade
Items - Ceiling OT Light
Items - Photo stickers or Stickers
Items - Custom Bid for Services - ----
Items - Tablet Computers
Items - Collection & Disposal Waste Management Service - Collection, Lifting, Transportation, Unloading; Dry Waste
Items - Paper-based Printing Services - Printing with Material; Journal; Digital
Items - Hard disk drives
Items - Survey or Market Research Services/ Program evaluation or assessment survey services/Feedback Survey - SURVEY AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION FOR REVAMPING OF LOCAL AREA NETWORK AND WIFI AT DELHI SECRETARIAT; Quantitative & Qualitative
Items - Tris-HCl Molecular grade,Disodium EDTA Molecular Grade,Sodium citrate Molecular Grade,Tris Base Molecular Grade,Ethanol,Sodium hydroxide Molecular Grade,Sodium chloride Molecular Grade,Sodium Bi Carbonate Molecular Grade,N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine,Ammonium Acetate,Proteinase K,Potassium chloride,di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous Molecular grade,Sodium di-Hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous Molecular grade,Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Molecular grade,Ammonium Chloride Molecular Grade,Bromophenol Blue Molecular Grade,Iso propanol,Chloroform,Rub-in hand liquid disinfectant,Agarose for Molecular Biology,Ladders gene,Water,DEPC treated water Molecular Grade,Dntp mix,Taq Polymerase,Primer Genes for TB-PCR as per details in Serial number 27 to 57 of ATC document,Restriction enzymes for DNA fragmentation as per serial number 58 to 66 of ATC document
Items - Procurement of Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS)
Items - Desktop Computers
Items - 2 Module PVC Box ROMA,2 Module sheet with frame ROMA,400Amp TPN Switch,250Amp TPN Switch,200Amp TPN Switch,LED Tube 18 to 20Watt
Items - Eye Bank Specular Microscope