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Items - Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Commercial; Housekeeping; Unskilled,Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Commercial; Horticulture Services; Unskilled,Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Commercial; Housekeeping; Semi-skilled,Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Commercial; Housekeeping; Semi-skilled,Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Commercial; Driver; Semi-skilled
Items - Answer Book/Booklets For Examinations (V3)
Items - Answer Book/Booklets For Examinations (V3)
Items - Handling and Transport on Lumpsum Basis - Transport Service,Handling and Transport on Lumpsum Basis - Handling Service
Items - Dura Shield SN 34.5" Pulstar Cylindrical cartridge-F9, Size: 405mm OD X 293mm ID X 875mm,Dura Shield SN 22" Pulstar Cylindrical cartridge-F9, Size: 405mm OD X 293mm ID X 560mm
Items - Angle Grinder 4 inch,Hand Drill Machine-Both Normal And Hammering- 10 MM,Single Phase Welding Machine-Great Yuva,Bench Vice 4 inch,Welding Helmet,Hand Screen,,Welding Goggle,Hand Gloves,Chipping Hammer,Pipe Wrench 40 inch,Pipe Wrench 18 inch,Sly Wrench 12 inch,Pipe Threading Ratchet Handle Dia Set -.5 inch, .75 inch ,1 inch,Flat File 12 inch Rough,Flat File 12 inch Smooth,Sprit Level 12 inchMAGNETIC,Chisel Octagonal 150x16-102,Chisel Flat 6 inch- 1046,Steel Rule 12 inch,Steel Tape 5 Mtr,Ballpain Hammer 800 GRAM,Ballpain Hammer 500 GRAM,Center Punch,Try Square 12 inch,Monkey Plaier,Combination Plaier -Heavy Duity- 8 inch,Nose Plaier,Neon Tester,Philips Type Screw Driver 12 inch P6-862-300,Ring Spanner,D Spanner,Drill Bit Set 1-10 Mm Set Of 19 Pcs or above,TOOL KIT METAL BOX-All In One 108 Pcs,,24x 27 Box Spannel,Side Cutting Pliers 150 Mm,Flat Nose Plier 150 Mm,,Electrician Screw Driver 250 Mm,Electrician Screw Driver 100 Mm,Knife Taparia - Sk-1,Hammer Cross Pin 200 Gram With Handle,electric Oribtal Sander,TOO
Items - 6540258,6540771
Items - Monthly Basis Cab & Taxi Hiring Services - Sedan; 2500 km x 260 hours; Local
Items - Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - Manufacturing Unit; AS PER SCOPE OF WORK; AS PER SCOPE OF WORK
Items - Reciprocating Rake Type Cleaning Mechanism
Items - 300144557,300144699,300144558,300144700,300144701,300144559,300144703,300144636,300144706,300144707,300144697,300144708,300060381,300060342,300060343,300060341,300060344,310018421
Items - Labware 18,Labware 1,Labware 2,Labware 3,Labware 4,Labware 5,Labware 6,Labware 7,Labware 8,Labware 9,Labware 10,Labware 11,Labware 12,Labware 13,Labware 14,Labware 15,Labware 16,Labware 17
Items - SS wire Mesh AISI 316 Size: 100 Mesh 44 SWG In Width of 1 Mtr. / 1.22 Mtr.
Items - Custom Bid for Services - Annual maintenance contract for Air conditioning units
Items - 6553266,6553267,6553268,6553269,6553270,6553271,6553272
Items - Submersible dewatering Pump
Items - Microwave extraction system
Items - Custom Bid for Services - Supply and Installation of Multitier Heavy duty G2 Shelving System in Central Store at HURL Barauni