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Items - AAA Battery Cell Dura Cell or Similar,Green Tag,Hammer,Lock Big Good quality,Highlighter,Sponge Damper,Calculator,CD Marker Pen,Attendance Register,Drawing Pins,Eraser,File Band,File Board,Gem Clips,Glue Bottle Small,Glue Bottle Large,Ink Violet for Stamp Pad,Jute Twins,Paper Weight,Note Sheet,Pencil Lead,Pencil Shorthand,Pencil Red and Blue,Pin Cushion,Punch Steel,Register,Register,Stamp Pad good quality,File Tag White,Envelopes,Big Size Envelopes,Paper Ruled,Cello Tape Small Half inch,Cello Tape,Cello Tape,Brown Tape,Cello Tape,Pencil Cell AA Everyday,Plastic Folder L Shape,Foot Rule Scale Plastic,Foot Rule Scale Steel,Glue Stick,Water Jug Plastic,Pen Stand for JS,Pen Stand for Director,Pen Stand for EO to DS,Permanent Marker Pen,Cover For Tumbler Coaster,Sharpener,Stapler,Stapler Pin Small,Stapler Pin Big,Tray Plastic,Name Cube kebica or similar,Ordinary Pen,Scissor
Items - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; High School; Others
Items - Plain Copier Paper (V3) ISI Marked to IS 14490