Items - M6200007073,M6200007073,M6200007073,M6200007073,M6200007073,M6200007073,M6200007052,M6200007052,M6200007052,M6200007052,M6200007052,M6200007052,M6236206004,M6236206004,M6236206004,M6236206004,M6236206004,M6236206004,M6200007101,M6200007101,M6200007101,M6200007101,M6200007101,M6200007101,M6200007078,M6200007078,M6200007078,M6200007078,M6200007078,M6200007078,M6200007036,M6200007036,M6200007036,M6200007036,M6200007036,M6200007036
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | M6200007073 | DIAGON BRACING TUBE,MDM,6M,40MM | 3000 | NO | buyer19.ntpc.or-cpg1 | 150 |
2 | M6200007052 | DIAGON BRACING TUBE,MDM,3.2M,40MM | 1500 | NO | buyer19.ntpc.or-cpg1 | 150 |
3 | M6236206004 | SCAFFOLD BOARD,2950X200MM,STL,BSL | 3000 | NO | buyer19.ntpc.or-cpg1 | 150 |
4 | M6200007101 | SWIVEL COUPLER,ELECTROPLATED,40X40MM | 10000 | NO | buyer19.ntpc.or-cpg1 | 150 |
5 | M6200007078 | RIGHT ANGLE CPLR,EP,40X40MM | 30000 | NO | buyer19.ntpc.or-cpg1 | 150 |
6 | M6200007036 | SCAFFOLDING LADDER,2000X275MM | 500 | NO | buyer19.ntpc.or-cpg1 | 150 |