Items - 3000010647_1_82013013020,3000010647_1_82013013020,3000010647_1_82013013020,3000010647_1_82013013020,3000010647_1_82013013020,3000010647_2_82001113040,3000010647_2_82001113040,3000010647_2_82001113040,3000010647_2_82001113040,3000010647_2_82001113040,3000010647_3_82001102060,3000010647_3_82001102060,3000010647_3_82001102060,3000010647_3_82001102060,3000010647_3_82001102060,3000010647_4_82001105870,3000010647_4_82001105870,3000010647_4_82001105870,3000010647_4_82001105870,3000010647_4_82001105870,3000010647_5_82005010200,3000010647_5_82005010200,3000010647_5_82005010200,3000010647_5_82005010200,3000010647_5_82005010200
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | 3000010647_1_82013013020 | As per specification | 6000 | M | arbind.singh | 60 |
2 | 3000010647_2_82001113040 | As per specification | 1000 | M | arbind.singh | 60 |
3 | 3000010647_3_82001102060 | As per specification | 3500 | M | arbind.singh | 60 |
4 | 3000010647_4_82001105870 | As per specification | 1000 | M | arbind.singh | 60 |
5 | 3000010647_5_82005010200 | As per specification | 2000 | M | arbind.singh | 60 |