Items - 1 - M8211010101 - 100249021,1 - M8211010101 - 100249021,1 - M8211010101 - 100249021,1 - M8211010101 - 100249021,1 - M8211010101 - 100249021,2 - M8225127520 - 100249021,2 - M8225127520 - 100249021,2 - M8225127520 - 100249021,2 - M8225127520 - 100249021,2 - M8225127520 - 100249021,3 - M8225127432 - 100249021,3 - M8225127432 - 100249021,3 - M8225127432 - 100249021,3 - M8225127432 - 100249021,3 - M8225127432 - 100249021,4 - M8225700161 - 100249021,4 - M8225700161 - 100249021,4 - M8225700161 - 100249021,4 - M8225700161 - 100249021,4 - M8225700161 - 100249021,5 - M8225126059 - 100249021,5 - M8225126059 - 100249021,5 - M8225126059 - 100249021,5 - M8225126059 - 100249021,5 - M8225126059 - 100249021
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | 1 - M8211010101 - 100249021 | 1 - M8211010101 - 100249021 | 1000 | pieces | KANTICONS01 | 150 |
2 | 2 - M8225127520 - 100249021 | 2 - M8225127520 - 100249021 | 150 | pieces | KANTICONS01 | 150 |
3 | 3 - M8225127432 - 100249021 | 3 - M8225127432 - 100249021 | 50 | pieces | KANTICONS01 | 150 |
4 | 4 - M8225700161 - 100249021 | 4 - M8225700161 - 100249021 | 20 | pieces | KANTICONS01 | 150 |
5 | 5 - M8225126059 - 100249021 | 5 - M8225126059 - 100249021 | 2000 | meter | KANTICONS01 | 150 |