Ministry of Power
Ussc Cpg2 Sipat
BIHAR QTY : 3220

Items - 1 - M8211010101 - 100249021,1 - M8211010101 - 100249021,1 - M8211010101 - 100249021,1 - M8211010101 - 100249021,1 - M8211010101 - 100249021,2 - M8225127520 - 100249021,2 - M8225127520 - 100249021,2 - M8225127520 - 100249021,2 - M8225127520 - 100249021,2 - M8225127520 - 100249021,3 - M8225127432 - 100249021,3 - M8225127432 - 100249021,3 - M8225127432 - 100249021,3 - M8225127432 - 100249021,3 - M8225127432 - 100249021,4 - M8225700161 - 100249021,4 - M8225700161 - 100249021,4 - M8225700161 - 100249021,4 - M8225700161 - 100249021,4 - M8225700161 - 100249021,5 - M8225126059 - 100249021,5 - M8225126059 - 100249021,5 - M8225126059 - 100249021,5 - M8225126059 - 100249021,5 - M8225126059 - 100249021

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 1 - M8211010101 - 100249021 1 - M8211010101 - 100249021 1000 pieces KANTICONS01 150
2 2 - M8225127520 - 100249021 2 - M8225127520 - 100249021 150 pieces KANTICONS01 150
3 3 - M8225127432 - 100249021 3 - M8225127432 - 100249021 50 pieces KANTICONS01 150
4 4 - M8225700161 - 100249021 4 - M8225700161 - 100249021 20 pieces KANTICONS01 150
5 5 - M8225126059 - 100249021 5 - M8225126059 - 100249021 2000 meter KANTICONS01 150