Items - CHNS analyser,AMC 1st year,AMC 2nd year,AMC 3rd year,AMC 4th year,AMC 5th year
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | CHNS analyser | as per gem enclosed specification | 1 | no | ramesh@1964 | 20 |
2 | AMC 1st year | as per gem enclosed specification | 1 | no | ramesh@1964 | 20 |
3 | AMC 2nd year | as per gem enclosed specification | 1 | no | ramesh@1964 | 20 |
4 | AMC 3rd year | as per gem enclosed specification | 1 | no | ramesh@1964 | 20 |
5 | AMC 4th year | as per gem enclosed specification | 1 | no | ramesh@1964 | 20 |
6 | AMC 5th year | as per gem enclosed specification | 1 | no | ramesh@1964 | 20 |