Items - Item_10_M0531420807,Item_20_M0531420603,Item_30_M0519630602,Item_40_M0531420409,Item_50_M0531420205
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | Item_10_M0531420807 | As per Specification | 10 | NO | dilipkumardey | 120 |
2 | Item_20_M0531420603 | As per Specification | 20 | NO | dilipkumardey | 120 |
3 | Item_30_M0519630602 | As per Specification | 20 | NO | dilipkumardey | 120 |
4 | Item_40_M0531420409 | As per Specification | 20 | NO | dilipkumardey | 120 |
5 | Item_50_M0531420205 | As per Specification | 10 | NO | dilipkumardey | 120 |