Items - Vacuum forming machine,Melting Point Apparatus,Hard copies of Service Manual,NIST NPL Traceable Calibration certificate,Essential accessories spares required
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | Vacuum forming machine | As per attached specification | 1 | pieces | cipet@vnsadmn | 15 |
2 | Melting Point Apparatus | As per attached specification | 1 | pieces | cipet@vnsadmn | 15 |
3 | Hard copies of Service Manual | As per attached specification | 1 | pieces | cipet@vnsadmn | 15 |
4 | NIST NPL Traceable Calibration certificate | As per attached specification | 1 | pieces | cipet@vnsadmn | 15 |
5 | Essential accessories spares required | As per attached specification | 1 | pieces | cipet@vnsadmn | 15 |