Items - EC1529B 4121594,EC1529B AT6HVZ FC COS230 60 50 1,EC1529B AT12HVZ FC 230 60 50 1,EC1529B AT18HVZ FC 230 60 50 1,EC1529B 1070060
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | EC1529B 4121594 | FUSE TYPE 3AG 4 A CERAMIC | 1 | pieces | dcwhesp | 180 |
2 | EC1529B AT6HVZ FC COS230 60 50 1 | AHU 6000 BTU P HR | 2 | pieces | dcwhesp | 180 |
3 | EC1529B AT12HVZ FC 230 60 50 1 | AHU 12000 BTU P HR | 5 | pieces | dcwhesp | 180 |
4 | EC1529B AT18HVZ FC 230 60 50 1 | AHU 18000 BTU P HR | 2 | pieces | dcwhesp | 180 |
5 | EC1529B 1070060 | DIGITAL THERMOMETER 24V | 18 | pieces | dcwhesp | 180 |