Items - KS6210B 77975116,KS6210B K64005 EG3675G56,ES6210B 5TS1010 8X,KS6210B 130180135A,KS6210B 4010G382,KS6210B 0000995014,KS6210B 0304066501,KS6210B EG367JG67,KS6210B 1453101202,KS6210B P4080OHM5,KS6210B S800E,KS6210B 3SX8001DAA,KS6210B 3TC4417OBG1,KS6210B M517631,KS6210B 8UC9310,KS6210B 6DC30361ACZ001,KS6210B 130170110A,KS6210B 3TH8040OBM4
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | KS6210B 77975116 | MINI CIRCUIT BREAKER | 15 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
2 | KS6210B K64005 EG3675G56 | CARBON BRUSH | 18 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
3 | ES6210B 5TS1010 8X | HANDLE TOGGLE | 13 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
4 | KS6210B 130180135A | ADAPTOR SCREW TYPE INSERT | 3 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
5 | KS6210B 4010G382 | MEASURING RELAY | 15 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
6 | KS6210B 0000995014 | RING SHAFT SEALING D 1149 | 6 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
7 | KS6210B 0304066501 | SEALING FOR COVER | 7 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
8 | KS6210B EG367JG67 | CARBON BRUSH | 2 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
9 | KS6210B 1453101202 | IMPELLER FAN WHEEL | 3 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
10 | KS6210B P4080OHM5 | WIRE BOUND POTENTIOMETER | 2 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
11 | KS6210B S800E | SNAP SWITCH | 6 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
12 | KS6210B 3SX8001DAA | KNOB | 9 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
13 | KS6210B 3TC4417OBG1 | DIRECT CURRENT CONTACTOR | 3 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
14 | KS6210B M517631 | RING OIL GUYIDANCE | 3 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
15 | KS6210B 8UC9310 | TOGGLE | 2 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
16 | KS6210B 6DC30361ACZ001 | FET CONTROL MODULE | 8 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
17 | KS6210B 130170110A | ADAPTOR SCREW TYPE INSERT | 25 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |
18 | KS6210B 3TH8040OBM4 | AUX. CONTACTOR | 13 | pieces | dcwhesp | 365 |