Items - Software to extract data from Mobile Devices- Universal Foresnic Extraction Kit,Mobile Phone, IoT, Wearables, Cloud, Link Anaytics and CDR Software,Imaging Device,Compreshensive Digital Investigation platform for forensic data extraction and anaysis of live system, hard drives, mobile phones and cloud services,Image and Video Anaysis Software,Forensic Workstation
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | Software to extract data from Mobile Devices- Universal Foresnic Extraction Kit | As per technical specifications attached as Anneure A | 15 | pieces | | 90 |
2 | Mobile Phone, IoT, Wearables, Cloud, Link Anaytics and CDR Software | As per technical specifications attached as Anneure B | 20 | pieces | | 90 |
3 | Imaging Device | As per technical specifications attached as Anneure C | 23 | pieces | | 90 |
4 | Compreshensive Digital Investigation platform for forensic data extraction and anaysis of live system, hard drives, mobile phones and cloud services | As per technical specifications attached as Anneure D | 15 | pieces | | 90 |
5 | Image and Video Anaysis Software | As per technical specifications attached as Anneure E | 15 | pieces | | 90 |
6 | Forensic Workstation | As per technical specifications attached as Anneure F | 26 | pieces | | 90 |