Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence Production
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Items - Pipeflow Software,Pipeflow Software Training,Pipeflow Software AMC-2nd year,Pipeflow Software AMC-3rd year,Pipeflow Software AMC-4th year,Pipeflow Software AMC-5th year,Pipeflow Software AMC-6th year

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 Pipeflow Software Suppy, Installation, Configuration, Testing, Commisioning of Pipeflow Expert Software 1 NOS sbk_mdlstores 30
2 Pipeflow Software Training Training 3 NOS sbk_mdlstores 30
3 Pipeflow Software AMC-2nd year AMC/ Renewal of network license for 2nd Year 1 NOS sbk_mdlstores 365
4 Pipeflow Software AMC-3rd year AMC/ Renewal of network license for 3rd Year 1 NOS sbk_mdlstores 730
5 Pipeflow Software AMC-4th year AMC/ Renewal of network license for 4th Year 1 NOS sbk_mdlstores 1095
6 Pipeflow Software AMC-5th year AMC/ Renewal of network license for 5th Year 1 NOS sbk_mdlstores 1460
7 Pipeflow Software AMC-6th year AMC/ Renewal of network license for 6th Year 1 NOS sbk_mdlstores 1825