Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
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Items - Printing of ledger 1,Printing of ledger 2,Printing of Annual accounts Bilingual,Printing of annual report Bilingual,Printing of Annual report English,Printing of Payment voucher bilingual,Printing of Dealers Register

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 Printing of ledger 1 As per BOQ specifications attached 4 volumes rbgabuy 20
2 Printing of ledger 2 As per BOQ specifications attached 4 volumes rbgabuy 20
3 Printing of Annual accounts Bilingual As per BOQ specifications attached 120 pieces rbgabuy 20
4 Printing of annual report Bilingual As per BOQ specifications attached 120 pieces rbgabuy 20
5 Printing of Annual report English As per BOQ specifications attached 50 pieces rbgabuy 20
6 Printing of Payment voucher bilingual As per BOQ specifications attached 5000 pieces rbgabuy 20
7 Printing of Dealers Register As per BOQ specifications attached 25 pieces rbgabuy 20