Ministry of Defence
Department of Military Affairs
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Items - Spray painting and repair of steel almirah,Repair and maintenance of CCTV camera sys,Repair and maintenance of split and window air conditioners,Repair and replacement of X ray machine table wooden surface,Spray painting and repair of animal travis

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 Spray painting and repair of steel almirah Spray painting and repair of steel almirah 13 Nos 1VETHOSP 10
2 Repair and maintenance of CCTV camera sys Repair/maintenance of CCTV camera sys 3 Nos 1VETHOSP 10
3 Repair and maintenance of split and window air conditioners Repair/maintenance of split and window air conditioners 3 Nos 1VETHOSP 10
4 Repair and replacement of X ray machine table wooden surface Repair/replacement of X ray machine table wooden surface 1 Nos 1VETHOSP 10
5 Spray painting and repair of animal travis Spray painting and repair of animal travis 3 Nos 1VETHOSP 10