Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Department of Electronics and Information Technology

Items - Perpetual License,Perpetual License for Development and Testing,Manpower,Training,Support,VA PT clearance

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 Perpetual License No of licenses (Perpetual for unlimited users) 1 Numbers cdacconsignee1 15
2 Perpetual License for Development and Testing Separate Perpetual Licenses for Development and Testing with a minimum of 50 users each. (Numbers) 1 Numbers cdacconsignee1 15
3 Manpower No of Manpower with Technical Expertise for 01 Yr (within 15 days on generating the Contract Order) 5 Numbers cdacconsignee1 365
4 Training Training (Online for unlimited users within 24 months and training to be provided within one week on intimation by CDAC from the date of the contract. 150 Hours cdacconsignee1 45
5 Support Post License Activation Support yearly 3 Years cdacconsignee1 1095
6 VA PT clearance VA/PT clearance 3 Years & 2 Certifications 3 Years cdacconsignee1 1095