Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence Research & Development
DELHI QTY : 1900

Items - Saliva DNA collection and preservation tube,Stool nucleic acid collection tubes,Urine collection and preservation tubes,adhesive spot bandages,RNA later solution

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 Saliva DNA collection and preservation tube As per specification attached 300 Number chhel.singh 15
2 Stool nucleic acid collection tubes As per specification attached 500 Number chhel.singh 15
3 Urine collection and preservation tubes As per specification attached 500 Number chhel.singh 15
4 adhesive spot bandages As per specification attached 500 Number chhel.singh 15
5 RNA later solution As per specification attached 100 ml chhel.singh 15