Items - Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Inter Coach Gangway with flexible Interior System furnishing.
Items - Automated Bacterial Identification and Susceptibility Testing System
Items - Metal Shelving Racks (Adjustable Type) confirming to IS 1883 (V2),Revolving Chair (V4),Revolving Chair (V4),Revolving Chair (V4),Revolving Chair (V4),Revolving Chair (V4),Revolving Chair (V4),Revolving Chair (V4),Office Table Executive,Office Table Executive,Office Table Executive,Office Table,Spring Stool,Lab Spring Stool,Gas Spring Stool,Laboratory Bottle Rack,Office Cupboard Size,Microscope Laboratory Table with Tubelight,Laboratory Microscope with Tubelight,Microscope Laboratory Table,Laboratory Micro Table,Change Room Locker Size,Dissection Table Size SS,Dissection Table SS,Revolving Stool SS,Exam Couch,Foot Step
Items - Oil Filter,Oil Filter,Oil Filter,Oil Filter,Oil Filter,Fuel Filter,Fuel Filter,Fuel Filter,Fuel Filter,Fuel Filter,Air Filter-,Air Filter-,Air Filter-,Air Filter-,Air Filter-,Air Filter,Air Filter,Air Filter,Air Filter,Air Filter,Transmission filter -Spicer,Transmission filter -Spicer,Transmission filter -Spicer,Transmission filter -Spicer,Transmission filter -Spicer
Items - Syringe Infusion Pump
Items - Cordless Brushless Impact Wrench (ONGC)
Items - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; High School; Admin
Items - Selection of Laboratories for Testing of Products/Material - Testing of Epoxy CR Surface Tolerant Primer as per SOW; AS PER SOW; Sample; AS PER SOW,Selection of Laboratories for Testing of Products/Material - Testing of Epoxy CR Finish Paint as per SOW; AS PER SOW; Sample; AS PER SOW
Items - Entry and Mid Level Desktop Computer,Computer Printer (V2)
Items - resuscitation crash cart console for hospitals
Items - Real Time PCR Machine (V2)
Items - MD HP breathing air compressor 9 CFM,Air dryer,Combined Started or Control Panel,Gauge Assembly board with suction and discharge pressure gauge pipes isolation cocks etc.,Loose fittings and instrumentation as applicable,Shock mounts with center and side holding down fasteners,Flexible pipes bellows for all equipment interface with external loose supplied system,Electrical items for connectorisation termination that lugs gland etc,First submission of binding drawing,Documentation hard copy,Documentation soft copy,IETM documentation,Service of service engineer for STW Commissioning trail CST etc 10 MANDAYS IN 2 SORTIES PER EQPT,Service of service engineer for electrical work pre checks cable connection instrumentation etc 1 MANDAYS IN 1 SORTIES PER EQPT,Preservation and de preservatives,Commissioning spares,Onboard spares,Standard and Special Tools,Training and Training material,MD HP breathing air compressor 9 CFM,Air dryer,Combined Started or Control Panel,Gauge Assembly board with suction and discharge press
Items - LED Luminaire for Road and Street Lights (V2) Conforming to IS 10322 (Part 5 / Section 3)
Items - Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Industrial; Operation and Maintenance of Hydromechanical Installation of Dam Site Kharamukh of ChameraIII Power Station AS PER SCC AND SCOPE OF WORK; Highly-Skilled,Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Industrial; Operation and Maintenance of Hydromechanical Installation of Dam Site Kharamukh of ChameraIII Power Station AS PER SCC AND SCOPE OF WORK; Skilled,Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Industrial; Operation and Maintenance of Hydromechanical Installation of Dam Site Kharamukh of ChameraIII Power Station AS PER SCC AND SCOPE OF WORK; Semi-skilled
Items - ICP-MS Equipment
Andaman & Nicobar Tenders |Andhra Pradesh Tenders |Arunachal Pradesh Tenders |Assam Tenders |Bihar Tenders |Chandigarh Tenders |Chhattisgarh Tenders |Dadra & Nagar Haveli Tenders |Daman & Diu Tenders |Delhi Tenders |Goa Tenders |Gujarat Tenders |Haryana Tenders |Himachal Pradesh Tenders |Jammu & Kashmir Tenders |Jharkhand Tenders |Karnataka Tenders |Kerala Tenders |Ladakh Tenders |Lakshadweep Tenders |Madhya Pradesh Tenders |Maharashtra Tenders |Manipur Tenders |Meghalaya Tenders |Mizoram Tenders |Nagaland Tenders |Odisha Tenders |Pondicherry Tenders |Punjab Tenders |Rajasthan Tenders |Sikkim Tenders |Tamil Nadu Tenders |Telangana Tenders |Tripura Tenders |Uttarakhand Tenders |Uttar Pradesh Tenders |West Bengal Tenders |