Ministry of Defence
Department Of Military Affairs
ASSAM QTY : 2156

Items - Supply of Field Flush Latrine 3point60 m x 1point20 m x 2point50 m Height as per tech specification as per TS,Cement 43 Grade OPC packed in HDPE bag each 50 kg wt conform to IS 8112 1989 as per TS,Coarse Sand free from vegetation,Coarse aggregate 20mm graded,Coarse aggregate 40mm graded,Coarse Aggregate 40 to 63mm graded,Stone for RR messonry less than 6 inch,Water Proofing Compound conform to IS 2645 2003point Make Pidilite or Dr Fixit or Fevicol,Mild Steel Bars of size 6 to 8mm dia conforming to IS 432 Part I 1982 Make TATA or SAIL or JSW,Mild Steel Bars of size 10mm and above dia conforming to IS 432 Part I 1982 Make TATA or SAIL or JSW,MS Binding wire 0point9mm dia point,Bricks Sub class B,Brick bats,PVC pipe 110 mm each 3m long Make Prince or Finolex or Supreme or KPT,PVC Vent Pipe 75mm dia each 3point00mtr long Make Prince or Finolex or Supreme or KPT,PVC Cowl 75mm dia Make Prince or Finolex or Supreme or KPT,PVC Bend 110 mm dia Make Prince or Finolex or Supreme or KPT,PVC Socet 110 mm dia Make Prince o

Tender Details
BOQ Not Available