Ministry of Water Resources River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
Cauvery & Southern Rivers Organisation Coimbatore

Items - Directional Wave Rider Buoy,Integrated Marine ADCP,Data Telemetry Options,Software Support,Training and Maintenace of the Equipment

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 Directional Wave Rider Buoy Supply Installation Testing and Commissionig of the Directional Wave Rider Buoy (DWRB) with all accessories and power supply units as mentioned in the specification document 3 pieces ad2bedkochi1 180
2 Integrated Marine ADCP Supply Installation Testing and Commissionig of the marine Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) integrated with the DWRB with all accessories and power supply units as mentioned in the specification document 3 pieces ad2bedkochi1 180
3 Data Telemetry Options Providing Data Telemetry options seperately for Ocean to Shore station and ocean to remote location as mentioned in the specification document. 3 Jobs ad2bedkochi1 180
4 Software Support Providing the software support as mentined in the spectification document 3 Jobs ad2bedkochi1 180
5 Training and Maintenace of the Equipment Providing expert training to the officials or representatives of the BE Dte, CWC, Kochi at the field for a period of 2 working days at each site on equipment and Software as mentioned in the specification document and onsite calibration and preventive maintenance of all sensors biannually. 3 Jobs ad2bedkochi1 180