Ministry of Railways

Items - (A) Sch(i) Bhusawal -Expansion of SSE(C&W Yard office/BSL) on 1" floor of existing building. Total Approx arca 180 sq.m A) SSE Yard Incharge oflicc, B) FMM room, C) Conference Hall with WC.(ii) BSL(C&W)-Provision of cxamination point ncar in DN yard lines/BSL. Total Approx arca 90 sq.m. In Ground floor: Mini store room with WC, staff room with WC, Tool Room.(iii) BSL(C&W)-Provision of walk ways and pathways in DN receiving yard (terminal point) and in NDL yard:- Total approx arca - 9450 sqm. (iv) BSL(C&W)-NGP end/ DN yard Compressor room 4.5x6m & Tool room 4x5m with boundary towards NGP end. (Total Approx area= 60 SqM for rooms and 54M B/Wall) in connection with Augmentation /Improvement of freight maintenance facilities in existing freight train examination yard/Bhusawal. (Umbrella Works 2023-24).ID No. (B) Bhusawal-1) Pathways to access all PF at both end. 2) Renovation of existing parecel office. 3) Provision of cover shed infront of parcel office. 4)Parcel cage at UP &DN PF 3/4 & 5/6, transit office.(ID No. {C}Dy.CMM (ACL) BSL Store Depot-Repair of floor and roof of material handling platforms and construction of covered sheds with RCC overhead water tank. (Project ID-

Tender Details
BOQ Not Available