Items - Projector stand with wires and cable,Projector stand with wires and cable,Projector stand with wires and cable,Projector stand with wires and cable,Projector stand with wires and cable,Projector stand with wires and cable,Speaker,Speaker,Speaker,Speaker,Speaker,Speaker,Amplifier,Amplifier,Amplifier,Amplifier,Amplifier,Amplifier,Wire and installation,Wire and installation,Wire and installation,Wire and installation,Wire and installation,Wire and installation,Triangle name board on table,Triangle name board on table,Triangle name board on table,Triangle name board on table,Triangle name board on table,Triangle name board on table,Tea costar and matt,Tea costar and matt,Tea costar and matt,Tea costar and matt,Tea costar and matt,Tea costar and matt
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | Projector stand with wires and cable | Projector stand with wires and cable | 1 | Job | adestablishment | 30 |
2 | Speaker | Speaker | 4 | Nos | adestablishment | 30 |
3 | Amplifier | Amplifier | 1 | Job | adestablishment | 30 |
4 | Wire and installation | Wire and installation | 1 | Job | adestablishment | 30 |
5 | Triangle name board on table | Triangle name board on table | 23 | No | adestablishment | 30 |
6 | Tea costar and matt | Tea costar and matt | 23 | No | adestablishment | 30 |