Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health and Family Welfare
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Items - The Parents Guide to Understanding and Supporting Your Child with Literacy Difficulties,The Teachers Guide to Action Research for Special Education in PK12 Classrooms,Understanding and Using Reading Assessment K12 4th ed,Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom Practical Applications for K12 and Beyond 2nd ed,Youre Going to Love This Kid Teaching Autistic Students in the Inclusive Classroom 3rd ed,Youre Hired Practical Strategies for Guiding Individuals,Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Children Applications,Behavior Analysis Translational Perspectives and Clinical Practice,Health Psychology Theory Research and Practice 7th ed,Introduction to Clinical Psychology Bridging Science and Practice 10th ed,Managing Mental Illness After COVID19 Infection,Morgan and King Introduction to Psychology 8th ed,Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Promoting Recovery and Self Determination 3rd ed,Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Across Cultures,Psychological Disorders 5th ed,The Modern Psychia

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 A History of Discoveries on Hearing A History of Discoveries on Hearing 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
2 Audiology Review Preparing for the Praxis and Comprehensive Examinations Audiology Review Preparing for the Praxis and Comprehensive Examinations 4 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
3 Auditory Electrophysiology A Clinical Guide 2nd ed Auditory Electrophysiology A Clinical Guide 2nd ed 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
4 Auditory Processing Disorders Assessment, Management and Treatment 4th ed Auditory Processing Disorders Assessment, Management and Treatment 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
5 Brownings Audiology for Clinicians 3rd ed Brownings Audiology for Clinicians 3rd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
6 Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Hearing Loss Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Hearing Loss 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
7 Cognitive Decline and Hearing Loss Cognitive Decline and Hearing Loss 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
8 Early Intervention and the SpeechLanguage Pathologist Best Practices in Assessment and Intervention for Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention and the SpeechLanguage Pathologist Best Practices in Assessment and Intervention for Infants and Toddlers 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
9 Essential Otology and Neurotology Essential Otology and Neurotology 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
10 Forensic Audiology A Guide for the Expert Witness Forensic Audiology A Guide for the Expert Witness 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
11 Health and Hearing Health and Hearing 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
12 Hearing Impairment and Disability Hearing Impairment and Disability 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
13 Hearing Loss 5th ed Hearing Loss 5th ed 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
14 Hearing Loss Causes Prevention and Treatment Hearing Loss Causes Prevention and Treatment 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
15 Hearing Loss Mechanisms Assessment and Treatment Hearing Loss Mechanisms Assessment and Treatment 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
16 Hearing An Introduction to Psychological and Physiological Acoustics 7th ed Hearing An Introduction to Psychological and Physiological Acoustics 7th ed 3 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
17 Introduction to Audiological Rehabilitation Facilitating Communication Across the Lifespan 8th ed Introduction to Audiological Rehabilitation Facilitating Communication Across the Lifespan 8th ed 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
18 Introduction to Sound Acoustics for the Hearing and Speech Sciences 5th ed Introduction to Sound Acoustics for the Hearing and Speech Sciences 5th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
19 Modern Fiction Disability and the Hearing Sciences Modern Fiction Disability and the Hearing Sciences 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
20 Neuroimaging of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems A Clinicians Guide Neuroimaging of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems A Clinicians Guide 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
21 Occupational Hearing Loss 4th ed Occupational Hearing Loss 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
22 Overcoming Hearing Loss From Drug Therapy to Cochlear Implant Surgery Latest Advancements in the Management of Hearing Loss Overcoming Hearing Loss From Drug Therapy to Cochlear Implant Surgery Latest Advancements in the Management of Hearing Loss 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
23 Oxford Textbook of Vertigo and Imbalance 2nd ed Oxford Textbook of Vertigo and Imbalance 2nd ed 3 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
24 Programming Cochlear Implants 3rd ed Programming Cochlear Implants 3rd ed 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
25 Sensing Sound Evolutionary Neurobiology of a Novel Sense of Hearing Sensing Sound Evolutionary Neurobiology of a Novel Sense of Hearing 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
26 Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
27 Techniques of Hearing History Theory and Practices Techniques of Hearing History Theory and Practices 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
28 The Behavioral Neuroscience of Tinnitus The Behavioral Neuroscience of Tinnitus 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
29 The Sense of Hearing 4th ed The Sense of Hearing 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
30 Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders in Children Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders in Children 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
31 Vertigo and Dizziness A Case-based Study Vertigo and Dizziness A Case-based Study 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
32 Video-Based Aural Rehabilitation Guide Enhancing Communication in Children and Adults Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing 2nd ed Video-Based Aural Rehabilitation Guide Enhancing Communication in Children and Adults Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing 2nd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
33 A Guide to Global Language Assessment A Lifespan Approach A Guide to Global Language Assessment A Lifespan Approach 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
34 AAC and Aided Language in the Classroom Breaking Down Barriers for Learners with Speech Language and Communication Needs AAC and Aided Language in the Classroom Breaking Down Barriers for Learners with Speech Language and Communication Needs 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
35 Acquired Language Disorders A Case-Based Approach 4th ed Acquired Language Disorders A Case-Based Approach 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
36 Adult Dysphagia Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making Guide Adult Dysphagia Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making Guide 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
37 An Introduction to Cluttering A Practical Guide for Speech Language Pathology Students Clinicians and Researchers An Introduction to Cluttering A Practical Guide for Speech Language Pathology Students Clinicians and Researchers 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
38 Aphasia The Basics Aphasia The Basics 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
39 Assessment Case Studies of Multilingual Children An Evidence based Approach Assessment Case Studies of Multilingual Children An Evidence based Approach 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
40 Assessment in Speech Language Pathology A Resource Manual 7th ed Assessment in Speech Language Pathology A Resource Manual 7th ed 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
41 Better Conversations with Communication Difficulties A practical guide for clinicians Better Conversations with Communication Difficulties A practical guide for clinicians 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
42 Building an Independent Speech and Language Therapy Practice A Guide to Support and Inspire Healthcare Practitioners Building an Independent Speech and Language Therapy Practice A Guide to Support and Inspire Healthcare Practitioners 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
43 Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders Workbook 6th ed Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders Workbook 6th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
44 Clinical Methods and Practicum in Speech Language Pathology 7th ed Clinical Methods and Practicum in Speech Language Pathology 7th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
45 Clinical Research Methods in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology 4th ed Clinical Research Methods in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
46 Clinical Voice Pathology Theory and Management 7th ed Clinical Voice Pathology Theory and Management 7th ed 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
47 Cognitive Communication Disorders 4th ed Cognitive Communication Disorders 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
48 Communication and Sensory Loss Global Perspectives Communication and Sensory Loss Global Perspectives 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
49 Communication Sciences and Disorders From Science to Clinical Practice 5th ed Communication Sciences and Disorders From Science to Clinical Practice 5th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
50 Creating Empowering Environments for People with Dementia Addressing Inclusive Design from Homes to Cities Creating Empowering Environments for People with Dementia Addressing Inclusive Design from Homes to Cities 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
51 Cultural Sensitivity and Responsiveness in Neurorehabilitation A Personalized Approach for Speech Language Pathologists Cultural Sensitivity and Responsiveness in Neurorehabilitation A Personalized Approach for Speech Language Pathologists 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
52 Developmental Language Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence Developmental Language Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
53 Doing a Systematic Review A Students Guide 3rd ed Doing a Systematic Review A Students Guide 3rd ed 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
54 End of Life Care Considerations for the Speech Language Pathologist End of Life Care Considerations for the Speech Language Pathologist 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
55 Evaluating Research in Communication Disorders 8th ed Evaluating Research in Communication Disorders 8th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
56 Evaluation and Management of Cleft Lip and Palate A Developmental Perspective 2nd ed Evaluation and Management of Cleft Lip and Palate A Developmental Perspective 2nd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
57 Functional Phonetics Workbook 4th ed Functional Phonetics Workbook 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
58 Fundamentals of Phonetics A Practical Guide for Students 6th ed Fundamentals of Phonetics A Practical Guide for Students 6th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
59 Goal Setting in Speech-Language Pathology A Guide to Clinical Reasoning Goal Setting in Speech-Language Pathology A Guide to Clinical Reasoning 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
60 Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programmes Principles for clinical practice Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programmes Principles for clinical practice 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
61 INTRO A Guide to Communication Sciences and Disorders 4th ed INTRO A Guide to Communication Sciences and Disorders 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
62 Introducing Communication Research Paths of Inquiry 5th ed Introducing Communication Research Paths of Inquiry 5th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
63 Introducing Second Language Assessment Introducing Second Language Assessment 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
64 Introduction to Communication Disorders A Lifespan Evidence Based Perspective 7th ed Introduction to Communication Disorders A Lifespan Evidence Based Perspective 7th ed 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
65 Language Disorders from Infancy through Adolescence 6th ed Language Disorders from Infancy through Adolescence 6th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
66 Language Disorders in Children Fundamental Concepts of Assessment and Intervention 3rd ed Language Disorders in Children Fundamental Concepts of Assessment and Intervention 3rd ed 2 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
67 Living with Late-Stage Dementia Communication Support and Interaction Living with Late-Stage Dementia Communication Support and Interaction 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
68 Mentoring for Speech and Language Therapists Unlocking Professional Development Throughout Your Career Mentoring for Speech and Language Therapists Unlocking Professional Development Throughout Your Career 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
69 Motor Speech Disorders Diagnosis and Treatment 4th ed Motor Speech Disorders Diagnosis and Treatment 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
70 Navigating Trans Voicing 50 Key Points to Support Students and Newly Qualified Speech Navigating Trans Voicing 50 Key Points to Support Students and Newly Qualified Speech 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
71 Neuroscience for Communicative Disorders 6th ed Neuroscience for Communicative Disorders 6th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
72 Phoniatrics II Speech and Speech Fluency Disorders Literacy Development Disorders Phoniatrics II Speech and Speech Fluency Disorders Literacy Development Disorders 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
73 Phoniatrics III Acquired Motor Speech and Language Disorders Dysphagia Phoniatrics and COVID 19 Phoniatrics III Acquired Motor Speech and Language Disorders Dysphagia Phoniatrics and COVID 19 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
74 Pragmatics and Emotion Pragmatics and Emotion 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
75 Professional Communication in Speech Language Pathology How to Write Talk and Act Like a Clinician 5th ed Professional Communication in Speech Language Pathology How to Write Talk and Act Like a Clinician 5th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
76 Professional Writing in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology 4th ed Professional Writing in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
77 Psycholinguistic Approaches to the Study of Linguistic Structures Language in the Mind Psycholinguistic Approaches to the Study of Linguistic Structures Language in the Mind 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
78 Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders Methods for Scientific Inquiry 5th ed Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders Methods for Scientific Inquiry 5th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
79 Research Methodology Best Practices for Rigorous Credible and Impactful Research Research Methodology Best Practices for Rigorous Credible and Impactful Research 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
80 Singing and Teaching Singing A Holistic Approach to Classical Voice 4th ed Singing and Teaching Singing A Holistic Approach to Classical Voice 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
81 Social Factors and L2 Phonetics and Phonology Social Factors and L2 Phonetics and Phonology 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
82 Spoken Discourse Impairments in the Neurogenic Populations Spoken Discourse Impairments in the Neurogenic Populations 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
83 Stuttering An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment 6th ed Stuttering An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment 6th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
84 The Art and Science of Language Teaching The Art and Science of Language Teaching 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
85 The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
86 The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
87 The Impulse to Gesture Where Language Minds and Bodies Intersect The Impulse to Gesture Where Language Minds and Bodies Intersect 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
88 The Neuropsychology of Dementia A Clinicians Manual The Neuropsychology of Dementia A Clinicians Manual 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
89 The Sage Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences The Sage Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
90 The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research 6th ed The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research 6th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
91 The Study of Speech Processes Addressing the Writing Bias in Language Science The Study of Speech Processes Addressing the Writing Bias in Language Science 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
92 The Voice and Voice Therapy 11th ed The Voice and Voice Therapy 11th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
93 The Working Voice Vocal Health and Effective Communication The Working Voice Vocal Health and Effective Communication 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
94 Total Speech Blending Techniques in Speech and Language Therapy Total Speech Blending Techniques in Speech and Language Therapy 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
95 Treatment Resource Manual for Speech Language Pathology 7th ed Treatment Resource Manual for Speech Language Pathology 7th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
96 Voice Work Art and Science in Changing Voices 2nd ed Voice Work Art and Science in Changing Voices 2nd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
97 Working With Adults with Communication Difficulties in the Criminal Justice System Working With Adults with Communication Difficulties in the Criminal Justice System 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
98 Working with Adults with Eating Drinking and Swallowing Needs A Holistic Approach Working with Adults with Eating Drinking and Swallowing Needs A Holistic Approach 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
99 Working with Trans Voice A Guide to Support and Inspire New Developing and Established Practitioners Working with Trans Voice A Guide to Support and Inspire New Developing and Established Practitioners 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
100 Exceptional Learners An Introduction to Special Education 15th ed Exceptional Learners An Introduction to Special Education 15th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
101 Inclusive Education For Children With Special Needs Inclusive Education For Children With Special Needs 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
102 Inclusive Practices in Todays Schools A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers 9th ed Inclusive Practices in Todays Schools A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers 9th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
103 Introduction to Contemporary Special Education New Horizons 3rd ed Introduction to Contemporary Special Education New Horizons 3rd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
104 Making Sense of Phonics The Hows and Whys 3rd ed Making Sense of Phonics The Hows and Whys 3rd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
105 Practical Activities and Ideas for Parents of Dyslexic Kids and Teens Practical Activities and Ideas for Parents of Dyslexic Kids and Teens 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
106 Related Services in Special Education Working Together as a Team Related Services in Special Education Working Together as a Team 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
107 Sensory Stories to Support Additional Needs Making Narratives Accessible Through the Senses Sensory Stories to Support Additional Needs Making Narratives Accessible Through the Senses 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
108 Social Emotional and Behavioral Supports in Schools Linking Assessment to Tier 2 Intervention Social Emotional and Behavioral Supports in Schools Linking Assessment to Tier 2 Intervention 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
109 Special Education Considerations for Multilingual Learners Delivering a Continuum of Services 3rd ed Special Education Considerations for Multilingual Learners Delivering a Continuum of Services 3rd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
110 Structured Literacy Interventions Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties Grades K6 Structured Literacy Interventions Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties Grades K6 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
111 Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties 3rd ed Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties 3rd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
112 The Emotional Literacy Toolkit for ADHD Strategies for Better Emotional Regulation The Emotional Literacy Toolkit for ADHD Strategies for Better Emotional Regulation 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
113 The Parents Guide to Understanding and Supporting Your Child with Literacy Difficulties The Parents Guide to Understanding and Supporting Your Child with Literacy Difficulties 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
114 The Teachers Guide to Action Research for Special Education in PK12 Classrooms The Teachers Guide to Action Research for Special Education in PK12 Classrooms 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
115 Understanding and Using Reading Assessment K12 4th ed Understanding and Using Reading Assessment K12 4th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
116 Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom Practical Applications for K12 and Beyond 2nd ed Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom Practical Applications for K12 and Beyond 2nd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
117 Youre Going to Love This Kid Teaching Autistic Students in the Inclusive Classroom 3rd ed Youre Going to Love This Kid Teaching Autistic Students in the Inclusive Classroom 3rd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
118 Youre Hired Practical Strategies for Guiding Individuals Youre Hired Practical Strategies for Guiding Individuals 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
119 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Children Applications Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Children Applications 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
120 Behavior Analysis Translational Perspectives and Clinical Practice Behavior Analysis Translational Perspectives and Clinical Practice 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
121 Health Psychology Theory Research and Practice 7th ed Health Psychology Theory Research and Practice 7th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
122 Introduction to Clinical Psychology Bridging Science and Practice 10th ed Introduction to Clinical Psychology Bridging Science and Practice 10th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
123 Managing Mental Illness After COVID19 Infection Managing Mental Illness After COVID19 Infection 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
124 Morgan and King Introduction to Psychology 8th ed Morgan and King Introduction to Psychology 8th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
125 Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Promoting Recovery and Self Determination 3rd ed Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Promoting Recovery and Self Determination 3rd ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
126 Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Across Cultures Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Across Cultures 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
127 Psychological Disorders 5th ed Psychological Disorders 5th ed 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
128 The Modern Psychiatrists Guide to Contemporary Practice Discussion Dissent The Modern Psychiatrists Guide to Contemporary Practice Discussion Dissent 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
129 Indoor Sound Environment and Acoustic Perception Indoor Sound Environment and Acoustic Perception 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30
130 Spatial Sound Principles and Applications Spatial Sound Principles and Applications 1 pieces Aiish.Stores3@123 30