Items - engine oil,gear oil,engine oil,engine oil,add blue,add blue,add blue,T Q oil,coolant
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | engine oil | 15w40 servo | 120 | ltr | QM@58bnbsf | 15 |
2 | gear oil | 80w90 servo | 120 | ltr | QM@58bnbsf | 15 |
3 | engine oil | 20w40 servo byke | 50 | ltr | QM@58bnbsf | 15 |
4 | engine oil | gulf ashok leylend | 40 | ltr | QM@58bnbsf | 15 |
5 | add blue | ashok leylend | 240 | ltr | QM@58bnbsf | 15 |
6 | add blue | force | 40 | ltr | QM@58bnbsf | 15 |
7 | add blue | mahindra | 40 | ltr | QM@58bnbsf | 15 |
8 | T Q oil | servo | 5 | ltr | QM@58bnbsf | 15 |
9 | coolant | coolant | 40 | ltr | QM@58bnbsf | 15 |