Items - Title1,Title2,Title3,Title4,Title5,Title6,Title7
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | Title1 | 150 LPH Commercial RO system as per specifications | 1 | pieces | rahulmeenadda | 45 |
2 | Title2 | 2 TR Split AC units as per specifications | 4 | pieces | rahulmeenadda | 45 |
3 | Title3 | Suitable metallic Stand for outdoor as per specifications | 4 | pieces | rahulmeenadda | 45 |
4 | Title4 | Extra Refrigerant Pipe as per specifications | 8 | meter | rahulmeenadda | 45 |
5 | Title5 | Commercial Heating pump as per specifications | 1 | pieces | rahulmeenadda | 45 |
6 | Title6 | Air curtains as per specifications | 3 | pieces | rahulmeenadda | 45 |
7 | Title7 | 55 inch smart Tv as per specifications | 2 | pieces | rahulmeenadda | 45 |