Items - 11181,11181,11181,11181,11181,11181,11181,11310,11310,11310,11310,11310,11310,11310,11314,11314,11314,11314,11314,11314,11314,11398,11398,11398,11398,11398,11398,11398,11622,11622,11622,11622,11622,11622,11622,100585,100585,100585,100585,100585,100585,100585,100108,100108,100108,100108,100108,100108,100108
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | 11181 | Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg | 310570 | Tablet | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
2 | 11310 | Calamine 8 percent with 10 percent light liquid paraffin 50 ml bott | 31900 | Bott | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
3 | 11314 | Calamine Powder | 2145 | Kg | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
4 | 11398 | Para dichlorobenzene two percent w oblic v Benzocaine two point seven percent w oblic v Chlorbutol 5percent Turpentine oil 15 percent w oblic v bott of 10 ml | 29800 | Bott of 10 ml | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
5 | 11622 | Antispasmodic tab containing Mefanamic Acid 250mg and Dicyclomine HCL 10mg | 465000 | No | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
6 | 100585 | Spray Anaesthetic surface bott of 100 ml | 1920 | Bottle | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
7 | 100108 | Antiseptic Oral Pain relieving topical Gel containing Antiseptic and topical Anaesthetic in Gm or Ml | 27000 | Tube | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |