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Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | V013003 | Analgin Inj 500mg per ml Vet solution vial of 30 ml | 8400 | Amp oblic Vial | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
2 | V013008 | Topical Antiseptic Ayurvedic Spray container of 250 ml | 3700 | Container | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
3 | V013059 | Wound caring Ayurvedic ointment oblic gel having wound healing and fly repellent action Tube of 50 gm | 4580 | Tube | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
4 | V013081 | Meloxicam Inj 5 mg oblic ml vial of 30 ml | 5070 | Amp oblic Vial | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
5 | V013097 | Pheniramine Maleate 22.75 mg per ml Inj vial of 10 ml | 9500 | Amp oblic Vial | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
6 | V013127 | Sulphadimidine Sodium 33 dot 3percent solution for IV Inj 100 ml | 159000 | ML | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
7 | V013137 | Tonophosphan 20 percent vial of 30 ml Inj Sod salt of 4 dimethyl amine 2 methyl phenylphosphonic Acid as 20percent solution | 6100 | Amp oblic Vial | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |
8 | V013213 | Liquid Paraffin IP Bottle of 1 Ltr | 2230 | Ltr | RCPTAFMSD | 30 |