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Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
10 | Schedule-1 - 10 - M4840903085 | SHIELD PROT CLAMP SS304 57 2MM 90DEG | 2000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
20 | Schedule-2 - 20 - M4840903083 | SHIELD PROT INR BEND SEMI CIRC R114 | 1000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
30 | Schedule-3 - 30 - M4840903084 | SHIELD PROT INR BEND R133 44 5MM 3MM | 1000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
40 | Schedule-4 - 40 - M4840903082 | SHIELD PROT OUTER BEND R114 44 5MM 3MM | 1000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
50 | Schedule-5 - 50 - M4840903081 | SHIELD PROT OUTER BEND R133 44 5MM 3MM | 1000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
60 | Schedule-6 - 60 - M4840903072 | SHIELD PROT BEND SHIELD 63 5MM 3MM | 1500 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
70 | Schedule-7 - 70 - M4840903080 | SHIELD PROT INR LTRH BEND R227 63 5 3MM | 500 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
80 | Schedule-8 - 80 - M4840903079 | SHIELD PROT OUTR LTRH BEND R200 63 5 3 | 1000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
90 | Schedule-9 - 90 - M4840903078 | SHIELD PROT BEND SS304 SC 63 5MM 3MM | 1000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
100 | Schedule-10 - 100 - M4840903076 | SHIELD PROT BEND SS304 SC 50 8MM 3MM | 1000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
110 | Schedule-11 - 110 - M4840903077 | SHIELD PROT BEND SS304 SC 57 2MM 3MM | 1200 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
120 | Schedule-12 - 120 - M4840903075 | SHIELD PROT SEMI CIRC SS304 OTR PROFILE | 500 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
130 | Schedule-13 - 130 - M1779907121 | CLAMP SS304 AISI304 | 8000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
140 | Schedule-14 - 140 - M1779907123 | CLAMP SS304 AISI304 | 8000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |
150 | Schedule-15 - 150 - M4837900186 | SHIELD PROT CLAMP SS 180DEG 50 8MM 3MM | 2000 | NO | arunkumarsingh1 | 180 |