Ministry of Railways
Indian Railways
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Items - Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Hospitality; General safeguarding Maintenance cleaning of entire building and all equipments and materials inside Officers rest house at Paradeep and providing hospitality service as per..,Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Hospitality; General safeguarding Maintenance cleaning of entire building its surroundings garden and all equipments and materials outside of Officers rest house at Paradeep and providin..,Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Hospitality; General safeguarding Maintenance cleaning of entire building its surroundings garden and all equipments and materials outside of subordinate rest house at Paradeep and provi..,Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Hospitality; General safeguarding Maintenance cleaning of entire building and all equipments and materials inside subordinate rest house at Paradeep and providing hospitality service as ..

Tender Details
BOQ Not Available