Items - Free Exercise Apparatus,Free Exercise Apparatus,Free Exercise Apparatus,Free Exercise Apparatus,Free Exercise Apparatus,Free Exercise Apparatus,Free Exercise Apparatus,Free Exercise Apparatus,Free Exercise Apparatus,Plaster Cutting Saw,Plaster Cutting Saw,Plaster Cutting Saw,Plaster Cutting Saw,Plaster Cutting Saw,Plaster Cutting Saw,Plaster Cutting Saw,Plaster Cutting Saw,Plaster Cutting Saw,Peripheral Nerv System,Peripheral Nerv System,Peripheral Nerv System,Peripheral Nerv System,Peripheral Nerv System,Peripheral Nerv System,Peripheral Nerv System,Peripheral Nerv System,Peripheral Nerv System,Infra Red Lamp,Infra Red Lamp,Infra Red Lamp,Infra Red Lamp,Infra Red Lamp,Infra Red Lamp,Infra Red Lamp,Infra Red Lamp,Infra Red Lamp,Hypoxic Training System,Hypoxic Training System,Hypoxic Training System,Hypoxic Training System,Hypoxic Training System,Hypoxic Training System,Hypoxic Training System,Hypoxic Training System,Hypoxic Training System,Blood and Fluid Warmer,Blood and Fluid Warmer,Blood and Fluid Warmer,B
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | Free Exercise Apparatus | Free Exercise Apparatus | 1 | pieces | msofficesjh | 60 |
2 | Plaster Cutting Saw | Plaster Cutting Saw | 4 | pieces | msofficesjh | 60 |
3 | Peripheral Nerv System | Peripheral Nerv System | 4 | pieces | msofficesjh | 60 |
4 | Infra Red Lamp | Infra Red Lamp | 3 | pieces | msofficesjh | 60 |
5 | Hypoxic Training System | Hypoxi Training System | 1 | pieces | msofficesjh | 60 |
6 | Blood and Fluid Warmer | Blood and Fluid Warmer | 10 | pieces | msofficesjh | 60 |
7 | Patient Warming | Patient Warming | 10 | pieces | msofficesjh | 60 |
8 | Endoscopic Trolley | Endoscopic Trolley | 5 | pieces | msofficesjh | 60 |
9 | Syringe Infusio Pump | Syringe Infusio Pump | 10 | pieces | msofficesjh | 60 |