Items - Custom Bid for Services - Inline Inspection of 6625107512751618 diameter pipelines using High resolution AMFL UTCW tool and Highresolution caliper tool including XYZ mapping GroupA 6625 Dia IVLDhansuri Spur line of DPPL,Custom Bid for Services - Inline Inspection of 6625107512751618 diameter pipelines using High resolution AMFL UTCW tool and Highresolution caliper tool including XYZ mapping GroupA 6625 Dia IVLDhansuri Spur line of DPPL,Custom Bid for Services - Inline Inspection of 6625107512751618 diameter pipelines using High resolution AMFL UTCW tool and Highresolution caliper tool including XYZ mapping GroupA 6625 Dia IVLDhansuri Spur line of DPPL,Custom Bid for Services - Inline Inspection of 6625107512751618 diameter pipelines using High resolution AMFL UTCW tool and Highresolution caliper tool including XYZ mapping GroupA 6625 Dia IVLDhansuri Spur line of DPPL,Custom Bid for Services - Inline Inspection of 6625107512751618 diameter pipelines using High resolution AMFL UTCW tool and Highresoluti