Items - Carbonated Soft Drink Cola,Carbonated Soft Drink Cola,Carbonated Soft Drink Cola,Carbonated Soft Drink Orange,Carbonated Soft Drink Orange,Carbonated Soft Drink Orange,Carbonated Soft Drink Colourless,Carbonated Soft Drink Colourless,Carbonated Soft Drink Colourless,Lime Based Soft Drink,Lime Based Soft Drink,Lime Based Soft Drink,Orange Fruit Juice,Orange Fruit Juice,Orange Fruit Juice,Mixed Fruit Juice,Mixed Fruit Juice,Mixed Fruit Juice,Apple Fruit Juice,Apple Fruit Juice,Apple Fruit Juice
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) | DFS |
1 | Carbonated Soft Drink Cola | Carbonated Soft Drink Cola | 12800 | litre | babina_buyer@sd | 183 | 491 |
2 | Carbonated Soft Drink Orange | Carbonated Soft Drink Orange | 9600 | litre | babina_buyer@sd | 183 | 491 |
3 | Carbonated Soft Drink Colourless | Carbonated Soft Drink Colourless | 9600 | litre | babina_buyer@sd | 183 | 491 |
4 | Lime Based Soft Drink | Lime based soft drink | 26000 | litre | babina_buyer@sd | 183 | 491 |
5 | Orange Fruit Juice | Orange Fruit Juice | 3500 | litre | babina_buyer@sd | 183 | 491 |
6 | Mixed Fruit Juice | Mixed Fruit Juice | 6500 | litre | babina_buyer@sd | 183 | 491 |
7 | Apple Fruit Juice | Apple Fruit Juice | 3500 | litre | babina_buyer@sd | 183 | 491 |