Items - Title1,Title2,Title3,Title4,Title5
Item Number | Item Title | Item Description | Item Quantity | Unit of Measure | Consignee ID | Delivery Period (In number of days) |
1 | Title1 | Tea Urn 20 Ltr | 10 | Each | ae1pccwd | 15 |
2 | Title2 | Acrylic Bowl | 12 | Each | ae1pccwd | 15 |
3 | Title3 | Acrylic Platters | 12 | Each | ae1pccwd | 15 |
4 | Title4 | Buffet Risers (Medium) | 6 | Each | ae1pccwd | 15 |
5 | Title5 | Buffet Risers (Large) | 6 | Each | ae1pccwd | 15 |