Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
Department of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Items - Display or Graphic Tablet,USB Cable,Adapter,Plug Head,Default Pen-set,Replacement nibs,Guide or Manual book,Warranty Document

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 Display or Graphic Tablet In a box, please refer Technical Specification 1 piece rcbosecon 30
2 USB Cable In the box, as applicable for the tablet device 1 piece rcbosecon 30
3 Adapter In the box, as applicable for the tablet device 1 piece rcbosecon 30
4 Plug Head In the box, as applicable for the tablet device 1 piece rcbosecon 30
5 Default Pen-set In the box, as applicable for the tablet device and OEM, refer Technical Specification 1 piece rcbosecon 30
6 Replacement nibs In the box, as applicable for the tablet device and OEM, refer Technical Specification 1 piece rcbosecon 30
7 Guide or Manual book In the box, as applicable for the tablet device and OEM 1 piece rcbosecon 30
8 Warranty Document In the box, as applicable for the tablet device and OEM 1 piece rcbosecon 30