Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh

Items - Item1,Item 2,Item3,Item4,Item5,Item6,Item7,Item8,Item9,Item10,Item11,Item12,Item13,Item14,Item15,Item16

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 Item1 According to the specification 33 Nos rajdeep_sde2 30
2 Item 2 According to the specification 15 Nos rajdeep_sde2 30
3 Item3 According to the specification 2 Nos rajdeep_sde2 30
4 Item4 According to the specification 2 Nos rajdeep_sde2 30
5 Item5 According to the specification 6 Nos rajdeep_sde2 30
6 Item6 According to the specification 5 Nos rajdeep_sde2 30
7 Item7 According to the specification 7 Nos rajdeep_sde2 30
8 Item8 According to the specification 5 Nos rajdeep_sde2 30
9 Item9 According to the specification 2 Nos rajdeep_sde2 30
10 Item10 According to the specification 1 Nos rajdeep_sde2 30
11 Item11 According to the specification 2300 Mtr rajdeep_sde2 30
12 Item12 According to the specification 600 Mtr rajdeep_sde2 30
13 Item13 According to the specification 600 Mtr rajdeep_sde2 30
14 Item14 According to the specification 500 Mtr rajdeep_sde2 30
15 Item15 According to the specification 100 Mtr rajdeep_sde2 30
16 Item16 According to the specification 100 Mtr rajdeep_sde2 30