Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence Production
GOA QTY : 1140

Items - 1555043043,1555043045,1555043047,1555043041,1555043042,1555043048,1555043044,1555043046

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 1555043043 LOOSE PIPE FLANGE DN80 PN10 110 Nos dpo.gsl 60
2 1555043045 LOOSE PIPE FLANGE DN100 PN10 200 Nos dpo.gsl 60
3 1555043047 LOOSE PIPE FLANGE DN125 PN10 204 Nos dpo.gsl 60
4 1555043041 LOOSE PIPE FLANGE DN65 PN10 80 Nos dpo.gsl 60
5 1555043042 LOOSE PIPE FLANGE DN65 PN10 48 Nos dpo.gsl 60
6 1555043048 LOOSE PIPE FLANGE DN125 PN10 28 Nos dpo.gsl 60
7 1555043044 LOOSE PIPE FLANGE DN80 PN10 252 Nos dpo.gsl 60
8 1555043046 LOOSE PIPE FLANGE DN100 PN10 218 Nos dpo.gsl 60