Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence Production
GOA QTY : 92

Items - 6580232000,6580235000,6580238000,6580267000,6580273000,6600412001,6620660084,6620860104,6570360102

Tender Details
Item NumberItem TitleItem DescriptionItem QuantityUnit of MeasureConsignee IDDelivery Period (In number of days)
1 6580232000 GROUP 2 40Y38 5 12 Mtr dpo.gsl 60
2 6580235000 GROUP 2 40Y44 5 28 Mtr dpo.gsl 60
3 6580238000 GROUP 2 40Y54 5 10 Mtr dpo.gsl 60
4 6580267000 GROUP 3 40Y76 7 4 Mtr dpo.gsl 60
5 6580273000 GROUP 4 40Y14 13 12 Mtr dpo.gsl 60
6 6600412001 HOSE B II 1.6 10 22 Y 8 Mtr dpo.gsl 60
7 6620660084 HOSE B II 6.3 16 27 T 4 Mtr dpo.gsl 60
8 6620860104 HOSE P VII 10 16 27T 10 Mtr dpo.gsl 60
9 6570360102 HOSES B 1 10 10 21 T 4 Mtr dpo.gsl 60